

"[slʌgɪzm] Salon der Langsamzeit" is a walk-in installation: individual objects interact with the visitors via physical computing software and hardware and invite them to linger, listen and sink in with sound, text and light. Two performers lead through the evening.

In "[slʌgɪzm] Salon der Langsamzeit" Büro Burandt explores the phenomena of noise, as well as the "glitch". The "glitch" according to Legacy Russell is understood as a positive interruption of the given patriarchal, heteronormative, hypercapitalist world order and its linear conception of time. Indescribable because in constant flux in time and space, it defies categorization. In "[slʌgɪzm] Salon der Langsamzeit," now, now, now, here and there are lost in a slippery, billowing interspace.

Concept, performance and text: BÜRO BURANDT (Carolina Burandt, Franca Luisa Burandt) / Sound: Nico Messner / Stage: BÜRO BURANDT & Nik Brandl / Costume: BÜRO BURANDT & Johanna Winkler / Documentation: Caren Wuhrer

With many thanks to: 

Ernst Busch - Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Berlin, deinermeiner Atelier, Schaumstoff Lübke, Der Schaumstoffladen Berlin, lang & breit, Uwe Martin and QUARTIER Bremen, Anngret Schultze, Gabriel Obergfell, Amelie von Godin and Simon Berz.

Supported by: 

Hamburg Ministry for Culture and Media