Stage Design
Stage Design & Video for perfromance Hasieran.
Hasieran means "In the beginning. In the beginning was a pose. In the beginning was lust. In the beginning could have been a goddess. In the performance HASIERAN Kattalin Newiger Mitxelena examines the figure of the goddess with the help of movement and music and asks the question of the origin that runs through human history and yet always remains veiled, always remains myth.
Artistic direction: Kattalin Newiger Mitxelena / Performance: Franca Luisa Burandt, Kattalin Newiger Mitxelena, Berenike Wuhrer / Music: Berenike Wuhrer /Dramaturgy and stage: Anngret Schultze / Stage & Video: Carolina Burandt / Costume: Johanna Winkler